• SongsPK
  • DMCA
  • Last Update On: 17th March 2020


SongsPK.info DMCA policy is intended to implement the procedures set forth in 17 U.S.C. Section 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act intending the report of alleged copyright infringement. It is the policy of SongsPK.info (The Company) to respect local and international laws and regulations referring to the legitimate rights of copyright owners, including companies and individuals, their legal representatives and agents. SongsPK.info users must also respect these laws, rules and regulations, regarding of the state of residence. SongsPK.info guarantees immediate reaction and initiation of all the necessary procedures specified in this policy and in the DMCA upon receipt of a proper notification. Filing a complaint notice: Please, read the following before filing a complaint notice and make sure that you keep to the following directions:

1. Your complaint must be signed by the copyright owner or higher legal representative (either electronic or physical signature, depending on the complaint delivery method).

2. Identification of the copyright materials claimed, including detailed description of one, or several works that are claimed to offence the law.

3. Sufficient contact information, so that the representatives of the Company can contact you: address, phone and e-mail.

4. A signed statement proving that the complaining party is sure that the use of the material in the manner complained is not authorized by the copyright owner, hisher representatives, agents or laws.

5. A signed statement that the complaining party is authorized by the copyright owner and that all the information provided is correct.

6. SongsPK.info is a search engine and does not host or store any of the music files displayed on this site. and SongsPK.info indexes these pages which are located on remote servers which neither SongsPK.info nor its affiliates have any connection with / control of / association with.

7. Send the written infringement notice to the following email address abuse[at]songspk.info. Do not forget to mention copyright infringement in subject field.

Takedown Procedure :

The Company guarantees that all the necessary steps will be taken immediately after the receipt of a proper notification. This includes: a letter or an e-mail confirming the receipt of the notification and removal of all offensive materials within 48 hours since the receipt of a proper notification.
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